The importance and impact of reading; a source of hope and self-confidence

At DARA Europe, we believe in the power of reading. Judith works as a pedagogical coach in childcare and is a volunteer in the team of DARA Europe. In an interview, she shares the importance of reading and how the library and weekend classes provide a source of hope and self-confidence for children in the Andong community, Cambodia.

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A head start: How early childhood education makes a difference in Andong

Early childhood education is not a given in Cambodia. DARA Europe supports the education programs of the NGO Stellar Child Care Organization (SCCO) in Cambodia. The founder of DARA Europe, Tirza Voss, explains how early childhood education can make a difference in Cambodia.

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DARA Europe through the eyes of a volunteer: a small organization with a big impact

As the treasurer of DARA Europe, Fred van Laarhoven gratefully contributes to the team of volunteers dedicated to creating a brighter future for children in Cambodia. His voluntary involvement with DARA Europe brings Fred a sense of fulfillment, as he explains in an interview.

Fred felt the need to engage in meaningful activities alongside relaxation during his retirement. It was through his friends, Hein and José, who had long been involved with DARA Europe, that he was introduced to the remarkable work of the organization. “What appeals to me about the activities of DARA Europe and SCCO is their focused approach. Striving for a brighter future for children is fundamental for improving society, anywhere in the world. The fact that this goal is pursued in a relatively small geographic area, namely Andong in Cambodia, inspires me tremendously,” Fred says. “That’s why the results are tangible and achievable.” 

Thanks to reports and personal conversations with Tirza, the founder of the foundation and the liaison between DARA Europe and SCCO, Fred can witness the progress of individual children and the community in Andong. His own experiences in Cambodia, during a visit with his wife Elly in 2019, were a highlight. “I met the SCCO team, the children participating in the educational programs, and the families receiving intensive support from SCCO. They were all enthusiastic and determined to contribute to a better future for themselves and their community. 

Efforts continue to be needed to make as many children shine as possible. This requires support from DARA Europe and others. As the treasurer of DARA Europe, Fred is responsible for managing the organization’s finances, including collecting donations and making payments to the partner organization SCCO in Cambodia. In addition, as a board member, Fred plays a role in policy-making, decision-making, and organizing events and fundraising. 

“Although not everything always goes as planned, the results and the immense dedication of the children, families, the local team in Cambodia, as well as the DARA Europe team of volunteers, provide renewed energy and inspiration,” says Fred. 

Fred wholeheartedly recommends DARA Europe if you are looking for a concrete way to contribute to impact. “The lines of communication are short, and progress is visible,” Fred adds. 

Would you like to contribute to DARA Europe’s mission to break the cycle of poverty? Check out the job openings in Cambodia and contact us for more information about opportunities to join our team in the Netherlands.

Local and international collaboration to build a better future for children in Andong

DARA Europe is a longtime supporter of programmes and projects in Cambodia. Mai is leading the local team that is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty in Andong, near the capital of Phnom Penh. Collaboration and connection are central to his work.

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Long-term support to break the cycle of poverty in Cambodia

For more than ten years, Sreng has been committed to improving the living conditions in Andong, Cambodia. In partnership with DARA Europe, he is on a mission to create a better future for children and families in the poverty-stricken area.

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