Growing Stronger together through Self-Help Groups and parent meetings

In Andong, where challenges for children, young adults, and families can sometimes seem overwhelming, Poutheary works as a social worker at SCCO. She plays a crucial role in organizing self-help groups for young people and meetings for adults in the community. In this blog, Poutheary shares how SCCO is making a difference with their family support programs in Andong.

Empowering Youth

One of the most remarkable aspects of Poutheary’s work is her dedication to motivating teenagers and young adults to actively engage in strengthening their own community. Through regular self-help group sessions, she aims to heighten their awareness of social issues and foster collaboration, even with local authorities, to address community challenges.

One of the recent themes, for example, was the use of social media and the associated dangers. The youth engaged in discussions, shared their experiences, and learned how to navigate these modern technologies safely. Another initiative involved a communal effort to clean up the area around SCCO.


“My most special or unforgettable experience as an SCCO team member is the activity where we cleaned up a large amount of waste. We showed the youth how important it is to care for the environment,” Poutheary explains. They also motivated local authorities, parents, and their peers to pay more attention to a clean living environment, “We educated them all to become good people in society,” says Poutheary.

Furthermore, the self-help groups address sensitive issues such as drug use, gambling, and domestic violence, which unfortunately are prevalent in Andong. This provides young people with the opportunity to voice their concerns and discuss how to collectively address these issues.

Parent meetings and collaboration

Poutheary’s work extends beyond young people. She also organizes meetings for parents, often focusing on the importance of education. These meetings aim to encourage parents to ensure their children attend school regularly. Simultaneously, they serve as a valuable opportunity for SCCO to collect feedback from the community. It helps to better understand the community’s needs and adapt SCCO’s programs accordingly.

Poutheary working in September 2023.
Poutheary in September 2023

A bright future for Andong

In Andong, where challenges are a common presence, the dedication of SCCO’s team is of great importance. As a social worker, Poutheary demonstrates that through collaboration and community involvement, positive changes can be achieved. “For me, the future in Andong means a community without domestic violence, gambling problems, or drug abuse. I dream of young people having the opportunity to develop their professional skills and find employment. I hope for families with secure jobs and sufficient income to live comfortably. But most importantly, I wish to see children attending school because, to me, education is the key to a brighter future for Andong,” shares Poutheary.

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Want to read more about SCCO team members? Check out the story of Sreng here.