December News

Here is the december news: while the festive season approaches in the Netherlands and the coziness of Christmas fills the air, this month in Cambodia marks the beginning of the new school year. We’re getting ready to celebrate the end of the year and would like to share the latest news.

Four men showing their diplomas.

News from Cambodia

We’re building a community center for the future!

In 2017, with the support of DARA Europe and Dara Children’s Trust SCCO acquired a piece of land on the outskirts of Andong. After years of preparation, the time has finally come: SCCO is set to establish its own community center in Andong. Currently, the daily activities of SCCO, made possible by DARA Europe, take place in an outdated and unsafe rented space with limited rooms. We aim for a new location that can further develop the community and reduce dependence on external support. Over the past year, extensive work has gone into designing the multifunctional building, which will offer flexible spaces for existing and new programs. Thanks to the support from Wilde Ganzen, MOOV Logistics, and Stichting Scholenproject Cambodja Rotterdam, the funding for the first phase of the building is secured. After a careful selection process, we’ve selected a contractor, and this month, the contracts were signed. What a milestone! The community center will be built in two phases, scheduled for completion in 2024.

Long-term support for poverty alleviation 

Sreng and Tirza crossed paths in 2010 in Andong, and since then, Sreng has been dedicated to the well-being of the people in Andong. Alongside DARA Europe, he strives for a brighter future for children growing up in challenging circumstances — often in poverty. Would you like to learn more about the passionate team members of our partner organization SCCO in Cambodia?

Stronger together through self-help groups and parent meetings

DARA Europe focuses on education and support in the most vulnerable neighborhoods in Andong. . Poutheary works as a social worker at SCCO and coaches families to become self-reliant and resilient. She plays a crucial role in organizing self-help groups for young people and meetings for adults in the community.

News from the Netherlands

Blues, Rock & Pop event

A musician playing the harmonica at the Blues, Rock & Pop festival.

On Sunday, October 15th, there was a Blues, Rock & Pop eventat Café De Stee in IJsselstein. We kicked off the afternoon with the swinging music of BluesShack and ended the evening with fantastic covers by the band ‘Out of Time.’

A big thank you to all the attendees, and a special thanks to L. van Eekeren, representing ‘De IJsselrijders,’ who presented a check of €1,150.00. It was a fantastic event with funds raised for DARA Europe.

Policy plan

We are pleased to announce that our updated multi-year policy plan is now available on our website. Here you can find all the details about our goals, strategies, and plans to achieve our vision and impact.

More News

Shopping with Doelshop

Child playing in the school.

As the end of the year approaches, it’s a time for many to review their health insurance. Did you know that annually, a million people switch? If you switch through a new insurance provider through, we can receive an average donation of €25. Doelshop is now also expanding internationally. Shopping from Sweden, Switzerland or the USA for example? Check for shopdonation online.

A sparkling New Year

We’re grateful for all the support throughout this past year, and we look forward to making a difference together for many children and families in Cambodia next year. Happy holidays!

December Christmas card