Local and international collaboration to build a better future for children in Andong

DARA Europe is a longtime supporter of programmes and projects in Cambodia. Mai is leading the local team that is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty in Andong, near the capital of Phnom Penh. Collaboration and connection are central to his work.

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Long-term support to break the cycle of poverty in Cambodia

For more than ten years, Sreng has been committed to improving the living conditions in Andong, Cambodia. In partnership with DARA Europe, he is on a mission to create a better future for children and families in the poverty-stricken area.

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Supporting young talent through education and work

As part of our efforts to support children in Cambodia, DARA Europe aims to create jobs and other income generating activities for Andong inhabitants. Therefore, our local partner recruits teachers from the Phnom Penh region. A win-win situation: staff is well informed about local issues, and we enable community members to gain valuable work experience. Teacher Lim Ngim shares his experiences.

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