Frequently asked questions

Questions about donating and finances

How can I support DARA Europe?

With a one-time or fixed financial contribution, donors make the work of DARA Europe possible. Donations can be arranged by completing the online form on the website for direct debit, or by a transfer to NL50 RABO 013612 88 58 in the name of DARA Europe.

Where does my donation go?

DARA Europe supports a local NGO in Andong, Cambodia, to give the children there every chance for a bright future. With financial support to Stellar Child Care Organization (SCCO), DARA Europe makes educational programs, family aid, income-generating projects and other effective activities and facilities possible. 

Read more about our impact.

Is my donation to DARA Europe tax deductible?

A gift to a foundation with ANBI status in the Netherlands, such as DARA Europe, is income tax deductible. Since 2023, a periodic gift is deductible for a maximum of €250,000 per year. For more information on the tax benefits of periodic donations, visit the website of the tax authorities.

For more information on the tax benefits of periodic gifting, visit the Internal Revenue Service website.

Can I also donate products?

Where possible, DARA Europe prefers to purchase items locally, through its partner organization SCCO in Cambodia. This way we contribute to the growth of the Cambodian economy, create local jobs and reduce dependence on foreign imports and foreign aid. In addition, the cost for donors to ship items and for DARA Europe to process Cambodian customs formalities does not outweigh the cost of buying locally in Phnom Penh.

How can I be sure that my donations to DARA Europe will be spent appropriately?

DARA Europe guarantees that donations will fully benefit SCCO’s programs and projects. Working with established partners in Cambodia, New Zealand and Australia, we ensure accurate, honest and transparent administration and communication. 

DARA Europe is a small-scale foundation with a transparent way of working and short lines of communication. Tirza Voss, the founder of DARA Europe, is also active as a board member of SCCO and closely involved in the programs. Every year SCCO creates a budget which is approved by DARA Europe. Any deviations from the budget are discussed by mutual agreement.

All expenses, down to the last dollar, are carefully tracked in an online accounting system that can be viewed in real time. In addition, these financial records are audited monthly by a respected accounting firm and serve as the basis for tax returns. This ensures DARA Europe’s financial integrity so you can be confident that your donations are being spent responsibly.

The SCCO team in Andong records all expenses in an online accounting system, which can be accessed in real time by board members. Our accounting firm audits the financial records every month.

Read more about our (financial) goals and results in our annual reports (Jaarverslag) and policy plan.

How many donors does DARA Europe have?

DARA Europe receives both structural and incidental donations. DARA Europe aims to increase the number of structural donations by 5% annually to create more financial stability. In 2023, DARA Europe had 30 permanent donors.

How does DARA obtain annual finances to support SCCO’s activities in Cambodia?

Through our website, social media, newsletters and events in the Netherlands, we recruit donors, sponsors and volunteers who contribute to our mission.

What type of funds are approached?

DARA Europe reaches out to different types of funds that vary depending on the type of projects and SCCO’s annual budget. DARA Europe seeks foundations and funds that focus on development projects, education, child welfare, poverty alleviation and related areas.

Does DARA Europe receive government funding for development work? 

Government agencies often have strict selection criteria and there is a lot of competition for government support. DARA Europe, as a small foundation, does not meet the strict requirements. In addition, our specific goals and projects do not directly qualify for government funding. We therefore focus on private support.

Does DARA Europe have the CBF recognition?

Dutch Fundraising Regulator (CBF) is an independent foundation which is monitoring fundraising by charities. DARA Europe is a small organization focused on achieving positive change in the community of Andong. We are committed to the standards of transparency and efficiency that the CBF standard represents. Although we are not a CBF recognized organization l, we are committed to using the funds we receive responsibly and effectively. We strongly believe in the importance of openness and integrity in how we operate.

Please also read our policy plan and annual report.

Questions about our Impact 

What is the outcome of ten years of support from DARA Europe for the children, families and community in Andong?

Through Stellar Child Care Organization (SCCO), a diverse and effective range of programs and projects are available in Andong focused on safety, hygiene, health care, parenting, education and employment. All activities are aimed at enabling children to grow up in a loving, safe and caring environment into well-educated, healthy, resilient and independent adults with every opportunity for a good future. We see education as the basis for breaking the cycle of poverty. We pay attention to the environment of the children, and therefore also support the parents in their education, career and work. 

SCCO monitors the effects of its programs in several ways. Quantitative ways include tracking the number of students participating in the educational programs and student attendance at the local Kork Rokar elementary school. These data show a positive trend, with a growing number of students attending.

Even more impressive are the stories of impact, which describe the positive change SCCO is making in the lives of children, students and families. These stories illustrate how SCCO is supporting to improve living conditions and future opportunities in Andong. Some of these inspiring stories of impact can be found on our website.

Who developed SCCO’s programs in Andong and what evidence support their efficacy?

SCCO’s programs in Andong were developed by SCCO’s team. SCCO’s staff and volunteers in Andong have been involved in the activities for many years – usually more than five years, and in some cases since its inception in 2012. The programs have been created based on input and needs obtained directly from the local community in Andong. A central belief of SCCO is that education plays a crucial role in breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. To enable children’s education, it became clear that building the right preconditions in the family and community is vital. The effectiveness of the programs is substantiated through monitoring, evaluation and feedback from the community itself.

Why does DARA Europe specifically support children in Andong, Cambodia?

We acknowledge there is poverty in various places globally, where children lack the opportunity to shine like stars.  DARA Europe explicitly focuses on a compact region, where there is a high need for community strengthening and support. The choice to support children in Andong is based on several concrete considerations. First, given the need, created in 2006. This particular community was created after a mandatory relocation of thousands of families due to urban development. There were no facilities, limited access to education or health care, and many social problems. This made Andong an unsafe place to grow up. By focusing on a specific community, DARA Europe, with its support to SCCO, can create direct and lasting impact. We are already seeing great changes and improvements in the living environment over the past 10 years. Therefore, our goal for Andong in the future is to be a resilient community and no longer in need of our support.

Why is DARA Europe necessary?

DARA Europe supports SCCO to provide individual support fully in line with the needs, questions, and wishes of the children and families based on the current situation in Andong. All activities are initiated, developed and implemented by local partners, with support from international experts from SCCO. As a result, the effectiveness of programs and projects are guaranteed, and new initiatives that further strengthen the community are constantly being developed.

Meanwhile, SCCO is actively working to increase its financial self-sufficiency. The former income-generating project, the sewing workshop, was a step in that direction. SCCO is currently exploring other viable models and projects to further strengthen its financial independence.

Why is the sewing center in Andong no longer open?

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, the sewing workshop was temporarily closed. At the same time, the former teacher decided to become self-employed. Despite this change, part of the original mission remains. She still works with some mothers from the earlier sewing center, allowing them to earn an income. SCCO has also placed mothers for training on an ad hoc basis. However, the sewing workshop is now no longer a project directly under the control of SCCO and does not generate direct income for the organization.

Questions about our organization

Can I sign up as a volunteer?

DARA Europe runs thanks to a solid network of active volunteers. Our volunteers initiate, support and organize fundraising activities, often in close cooperation with sponsors, schools, churches and other organizations. We are always looking for new volunteers to join our team. Please contact us for more information.

How is the contact between DARA and SCCO?

Contact between DARA and SCCO goes through different channels and is maintained by Tirza, the initiator of DARA Europe and also a member of the international board of directors of SCCO. She plays an active role in guiding the local SCCO team, not only on a strategic and long-term level, but also as a sparring partner for the day-to-day management of the organization. The close contact between DARA Europe and SCCO ensures effective communication and collaboration achieving the mission in Andong.

Other questions

What is DARA Europe’s perspective on the notion that large-scale NGOs are more effective than small-scale ones?

DARA Europe explicitly focuses on a compact region, where there is a concrete need for community strengthening and support. The village of Andong in Cambodia has its specific context dependent problems. With the development of activities tailored to the current situation, we ensure sustainable positive change. In this blog we elaborate on the importance of small NGOs, where both the advantages and disadvantages of small-scale organizations are highlighted. DARA Europe believes that the right balance between small and large-scale NGOs can lead to a more holistic and effective approach to development work.

How many professionals and volunteers work for SCCO in Andong?

SCCO’s team in Andong consists of the following professionals and volunteers (September 2023):


1 part-time board member

1 full-time manager

Social workers

1 full-time 

1 part-time social worker


1 education manager and also a part-time teacher

1 full-time English and computer teacher

2 full-time kindergarten teachers

1 full-time teacher for tutoring & intensive supervision 

3 part-time weekend employees

1 international volunteer

SCCO’s staff and volunteers in Andong have been involved for many years – mostly for more than five years, and some since the start in 2012. Thanks to support from DARA Europe (and other funds), staff members can count on market-based salaries and secondary benefits, such as training opportunities. In addition, SCCO provides team building and a pleasant working atmosphere.

We hope these frequently asked questions and answers have helped you find information. If you would like to know more or have specific questions, please feel free to contact us.