Progress of the Community Center construction: a step towards the future!

We are excited to share an update on the progress of the construction of our long-awaited community center in Andong. This center, built with a vision for the future, will provide a safe, modern, and stimulating environment for the many activities of SCCO. This has been made possible with the support of DARA Europe.

A dream becoming reality

In 2017, we acquired a piece of land on the outskirts of Andong. Years of careful planning and preparation followed, with the goal of constructing our own community center to help the community grow. Currently, SCCO’s daily activities take place in an outdated and unsafe rental property that does not meet the needs. With the new community center, these issues will be resolved, making us less dependent on external factors. Additionally, its location on the edge of Andong will make SCCO’s offerings more accessible to a larger group of people, also in the surrounding area.

December 2023, Andong. Starting of construction.

Designed for the future

In 2023, significant work was done on designing a multifunctional building, thanks to Sromal Architects Sromal, who designed it pro bono for SCCO. The community center will offer flexible spaces for both existing and new SCCO programs, tailored to the growing needs of the community.

After a careful selection process, SCCO, in collaboration with DARA Europe, chose a contractor, Amara Design & Construction. Thanks to the financial contributions from Wilde Ganzen, MOOV Logistics, Stichting Scholenproject Cambodja Rotterdam, local fundraising by SCCO, and our donors from DARA Europe, the construction of the community center could begin.

Construction progress

Following the successful completion of the first phase, which involved laying the foundation and initial structural work, the base of the building is now established. In July, we started the second phase of our construction project. This includes the structural completion of the second and third floor. This phase is also supported by Wilde Ganzen, our donors, and new sponsors. We are pleased to report that the contractor is satisfied with the progress and that everything is proceeding according to plan.

Advancing to the next milestone together

The SCCO team and the community in Andong eagerly await the opening of the community center. Although much has been achieved, there is still work to be done. For the third phase, which focuses on finishing the building, such as installing all electrical systems, toilets, kitchen, wooden windows, and sliding walls, we are still seeking additional funds and donors. We are optimistic and determined to complete this phase successfully!

Together, we are building a better future for the community in Andong. With your support, we can create a safe, inspiring, and sustainable place to learn, play, work, and grow. Will you contribute too?

Want to know more about the construction plans, progress, and opportunities for (financial) support? Contact us and find out how you can help.

Our plan is to move into and open the building in February 2025. Want to be there? Send us a message.