Hello DARA Europe supporters,
In this second newsletter of 2022 there is again a lot of good news to report, both from Stellar Child Care Organization (SCCO) and from DARA Europe.
From SCCO you can read more about our volunteer Rob and about the arrival and unpacking of the container. You can also read about handing out the laptops to the reintegration children and about the receiving of the tricycle. The lessons in the computer room have started again, as well as the English lessons.
DARA Europe is happy to share the 2021 annual report, the course of the Vastenactie and a “save the date” for an upcoming activity in October: the choir concert.
News from Cambodia
Volunteer Rob
Rob from the Netherlands arrived in Cambodia, Andong on May 3rd. He will stay until mid-July and as a volunteer he works for SCCO from the DARA Europe foundation. The first thing that came his way was to unpack the container. In addition, he also helps the team with the restart (after covid19) of some programs and is involved in developing plans for the coming months.
The container, which was arranged and sponsored by the Terberg Foundation, in March, containing donated computers/laptops, educational school materials and school furniture, arrived after a lot of paperwork. With the help of the local population, the container was unpacked at a rapid pace and the contents were temporarily stored in the local primary school Kork Rokar.

After this, step by step, the unpacking of the school material donated by the primary school De Wenteltrap started. Everything was received enthusiastically by the SCCO team. All team members have been given a laptop, one that works faster and is more up-to-date. A few days later, the other laptops were distributed to the reintegration children. They were very happy and surprised with Rob’s visit and received the laptop gratefully and with great pleasure.

Kind en Motoriek had donated a tricycle for one of the reintegration children, a boy with cerebral palsy. He was also very grateful and pleasantly surprised with this tricycle and laptop. Because he lives in the countryside, he can now make the 3 kilometers to school independently and independently of his parents, which greatly enriches his life. During the visit, the family also received the monthly donated bale of rice from the same donor.

The local primary school Kork Rokar has received computers and school furniture from the container from DARA. Everyone is excited that they too now have a real computer lab in the new school building which opened earlier this year.

The beginning of this year was marked by a new start. The families where the children have been integrated after the closing of the childcare center, especially, were intensively supported. In addition to the start of the new school year – which was finally possible after COVID-19 – it was also time for a new home. Meanwhile the children have grown, literally and figuratively.
It was time for a larger house that meets the wishes with regard to more space, privacy but above all also study options. A larger house was sought for two families and a financial plan was made together with the family members. SCCO supports by paying part of the rent, but the oldest young adults, as well as, when possible, the other family members, also contribute financially through their job or part-time job. Everyone is now very happy and grateful with their New home!

“Back to School” is the goal of the Vastenactie Nederland
After the Covid lockdown, SCCO has again succeeded in getting the team complete. A teacher has been found who provides English and computer lessons. Firstly, all computers have been replaced and the teacher can now teach the children of Andong in the computer room. The students come after school and voluntarily follow these extra lessons.

SCCO also offers homework support for children in the first and second year of the local public Kork Rokar school. Every year SCCO enrolls children of school age at this primary school. We see that children often find it difficult to keep up with the level in the (large) classrooms, especially if they do not have the opportunity to learn (playfully) at home. Right now, after covid, this “gap” has grown even further and we are very happy to be able to offer the extra support needed.
Parents & children meetings
Now that most restrictions due to the covid pandemic are over in Cambodia, the team has also been able to organize the children and parents meetings again as a weekend activity. It has been quiet for more than 2 years, but the turnout was great again and everyone actively participated!
For parents, this time the topic was drug abuse. Unfortunately another common problem in Andong. The children’s meeting focused on personal hygiene and health, an important topic; especially now after the past period.

News from the Nederlands
Annual report
The 2021 annual report has been completed and is now available on this website. We are extremely grateful to all donors that, through a financial contribution, have a warm heart for and continue to support DARA Europe. Unfortunately, it was a year in which both DARA Europe and SCCO developed fewer activities. However, thanks to our regular donors, we have been able to offer real emergency aid in this second corona year. In the attached link you will find our annual report, with many photos in the timeline. The annual figures can then be seen again.

We wrote extensively about this campaign in the previous newsletter. The target amount of € 8,000 has (eventually) been achieved! This has been achieved through various actions such as a flyer with the QR code, collections in the churches, a walk organized by the parish, and of course through the support of a number of schools. The very last money has been collected by a few donors from DARA Europe and the target amount has been achieved.
The Vastenactie increases the amount raised by 50% so that the complete project plan of € 12,000 can be carried out by SCCO. We would like to thank all donors and the Vastenactie.
Choir festival
Due to the lockdown in March 2020, this event had to be postponed. It will now be realized on October 1st; “save the date”. It will be an evening in which two choirs will perform. In addition, there will be a large raffle with 75 beautiful prizes. The evening will be held in Emmer Compascuum and all proceeds will be donated to DARA Europe. More information can be found on the Shantykoor Störmwind website. We hope to welcome many of you and to meet new donors that evening.
Kind regards,
The DARA-Europe team